Over the past few decades, there's been a growing talk about whole-student approaches to learning. Because of its relative newness to the education field, though, not all educators are equally excited to invest the time, effort, and resources required to add human-centered skill development to the long list of priorities schools and districts already set for student achievement.
However, research shows that the durable skills taught through whole-student education—including skills like collaboration, critical thinking, and responsible decision making—don't just help with emotional wellness, as the moniker "soft skills" might suggest. The development of these skills is, in fact, directly linked to academic and life-long success. Teaching durable skills is about helping students manage their emotions, but it is also about teaching how to work well with others, practice effective leadership, and adapt to meet emergent challenges—all qualities of successful, thriving students.
Study after study on the impact of durable skills education has made it increasingly clear that it isn't just a nice addition to an academic curriculum but a critical game-changing part of K-12 education. Following are just a few of the research-backed benefits of introducing whole-student education to schools.
1. Improved Relationships
The past years of disrupted learning spotlighted the importance of relationships in driving positive outcomes for students, staff, and the broader school community. Students’ learning potential diminishes when they feel disconnected from their school environments. Similarly, when staff don’t feel connected to their work, they leave, making for volatile environments shown to diminish improvement efforts. For schools focused on building and maintaining a healthy culture, the relational foundation of campus-wide emotional intelligence can be a key lever for change.
A study by Jennings and Greenberg (2009) demonstrated that whole-student education programs positively impact teacher-student relationships, leading to a more positive school environment. These programs' focus on empathy, compassion, and collaboration encourages students and teachers to understand and respond to one another's emotional needs. In turn, enhanced interpersonal connection builds a stronger sense of community and mutual respect and creates a more supportive learning atmosphere where students feel safe and nurtured. Cultivating such an environment is foundational for academic growth, as it promotes engagement, reduces conflicts, and helps students feel more invested in their education. The ripple effect of these positive teacher-student relationships extends beyond the classroom, contributing to a healthier and more cohesive school culture.
2. Enhanced Academic Performance
A common concern with introducing new content and instructional practices, especially at the high school level, is that it takes time away from essential academic learning. However, research has shown time and time again that investment in whole-student development actually improves academic performance in addition to personal well-being.
The landmark study by Durlak et al. (2011) presented compelling evidence that teaching inter- and intrapersonal skills is not only about cultivating emotional intelligence but also plays an integral role in academic achievement. The study revealed that students engaged in quality whole-student programming outperformed their peers in traditional settings by an average of 11 percentile points. This success is attributed to how whole-student education encourages the development of essential life skills like goal-setting, self-monitoring, and self-discipline. By weaving these skills into daily learning, we help students build the resilience, focus, and motivation they need to excel academically. In essence, integrating emotional and cognitive growth lays a strong foundation for a well-rounded education, fostering personal development and academic excellence.
3. Behavioral Intervention Reduction
Since returning from distance learning, schools have seen a notable uptick in challenging behaviors from students at all levels—particularly in middle schools. The disruption of the pandemic delayed social development for students, created a disconnect between them and their learning communities, and created more opportunities for developing habits that are disadvantageous to learning and a safe and supportive school environment.
Sklad et al. (2012) found that whole-student development programs effectively reduce behavioral problems, including aggression and disruptive behavior in the classroom. By addressing students' holistic development, we're able to teach crucial skills like identifying and managing emotions, recognizing triggers for impulsive reactions, and practicing intentional responses. This encourages more thoughtful and controlled behavior and helps students understand the consequences of their actions. The enhanced self-awareness that comes with this holistic approach encourages a deeper reflection on behavior and promotes more responsible decision-making. Ultimately, these benefits translate into a more harmonious classroom environment, where disciplinary issues are minimized and respectful interactions become the norm.
4. Teacher Well-Being Supports
Teaching has always been a challenging profession, and many have reported that the recent years have been some of the toughest in modern education. This has left many schools and districts scrambling for ideas to ensure teachers feel resourced and supported daily.
The impact of emotional intelligence on performance isn't just limited to students. When we guide teachers and school staff to build their self-regulatory and interpersonal skills—including improved communication skills, stronger self-awareness, greater capacity for empathy, and more—we also help build a well-functioning team poised to model a healthy school culture among themselves and for the benefit of their students. Roffey's 2012 study highlighted the profound impact of emotional intelligence on educators. The research underscored that holistic interventions improve teacher well-being and significantly alleviate stress. When we apply the same whole-person approach to all individuals on campus, we pave the way for a nurturing and supportive environment for the teaching staff. This supportive backdrop is a buffer against burnout and paves the path for heightened job satisfaction.
5. Fostering Belonging
Students’ feelings of belonging on campus are key to a healthy and supportive learning environment, but recent studies have shown that students have grown increasingly disconnected from their schools. The fallout from this disconnection can be seen in startling reports on students’ declining mental health as well as many issues already discussed here: decline in academic performance, students acting out, and strained student-teacher relationships.
The research by Brackett et al. (2012) underlines an essential aspect of whole-student education that often goes unnoticed: its role in promoting belonging and inclusivity. By centering on empathy and social awareness, whole-student development programs guide students to see beyond their own experiences and perspectives. This fosters a genuine appreciation for the range of backgrounds, cultures, and viewpoints within a school community. Through the whole-student approach, students learn compassion and empathy that encourages them to seek understanding across differences rather than avoid or fear them, nurturing an inclusive environment where all individuals feel valued and respected.
The evidence is clear: whole-student education isn't just an added bonus to the school experience. It's central to crafting a school culture that’s inclusive, positive, and primed for success—truly a transformative tool for the entirety of school life.
For schools aiming to blend academic achievement with emotional intelligence, empathy, and overall well-being, whole-student education stands out as the key. When schools adopt this approach, they’re uniting the efforts of educators, parents, and the wider community in a comprehensive learning approach that promises to yield profound results for years to come.